​January 21, 2025
"Every year Jesus’ parents went to Jerusalem for the Passover festival. When Jesus was twelve years old, they attended the festival as usual. After the celebration was over, they started home to Nazareth, but Jesus stayed behind in Jerusalem... But when he didn’t show up that evening, they started looking for him among their relatives and friends. When they couldn’t find him, they went back to Jerusalem to search for him there. Three days later they finally discovered him in the Temple, sitting among the religious teachers, listening to them and asking questions. All who heard him were amazed at his understanding and his answers." - Luke 2:41-47 (NLT)
Have you ever lost something precious to you? Losing a child must be even more terrifying. We can identify with how Jesus' parents must have felt yet may also wonder how this could possibly have happened? Travel was required from the small towns all over Israel to the Temple in Jerusalem for major festivals such as Passover. The women and children usually would travel at the front of the caravan, with men bringing up the rear. A 12-year-old boy could have been in either group, so both Mary and Joseph probably assumed Jesus was with the other one. But when the caravan left Jerusalem, the preoccupied Jesus stayed behind, absorbed in his discussion with the religious leaders.
The Temple courts were famous in Judea as respected places of learning. The apostle Paul studied in Jerusalem, probably also in the revered temple courts, under Gamaliel, one of its greatest teachers. (Ac.2:23) Historically at Passover, the greatest Jewish rabbis gathered to teach and discuss great truths. The expected Messiah would have been a vital topic, for all expected him soon. At 12 years of age, Jesus was expected to become a man in Jewish society after examination and approval by the rabbis. It wasn't Jesus' age but the depth of his knowledge that astounded these famous revered rabbis. Does Jesus wisdom still astound you? It should!
Thank you for the wisdom Jesus gives.
Meditation For The Day:
Jesus knowledge is still amazing today!
Brief Devotions For Busy Lives: Daily Winter Renewal
by Rev. Dr. Mary Johnson | Nov 25, 2017
Used with permission of the family of the late Rev. Dr. Mary B. Johnson.
Rev. Dr. Mary Johnson, D.Min., (1942-2018)
Mary was Ordained in 1975.
She served both as a Parish Pastor and in multiple Specialized Ministry Settings.
She worked on the Clinical Staff of New England Memorial Hospital and Middleton Pastoral
Counseling Center in Massachusetts and was a Director of Green Pastures Counseling Centers in N.H.
She was a state Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor,
Nationally Board-Certified Counselor (N.C.C.), and Nationally Certified Pastoral Counselor (AAPC)
and held certification as a Clinical Member of the Association for Clinical Pastoral Education (A.C.P.E.).
She received a Doctor of Ministry Degree in Psychology and Clinical Studies
from Andover Newton in Newton, MA.
Dr. Johnson also founded Good News Specialized Ministries, Inc.
This unique ministry provided education and Clinical Christian Counseling to thousands of people over the decades and trained numerous Clinical Counselors and Counseling Ministers while offering weekly non-denominational worship services to the community for more than 20 years.
I had the honor and privilege of working with Pastor Arnie Johnson
when I served as the pastor for the Richmond Community United Methodist Church
in Richmond, NH from 2019 - 2022.
I personally have been deeply touched by Mary's writings.
Her family has graciously allowed me to share them with you.
- Pastor Sharon Sargent
"I always considered my ministry at Richmond as a shared ministry. Mary had the expertise that helped me function as well as I did. I received critiques on the way home after the services. I finally realized that I may have “arrived” when one day she was pleased with my performance with no critique! That took several years! So, I would love it if you would use the picture of the two of us and mention Rev. Dr. Mary Johnson as my spouse and partner in ministry, and she continued to be until the day she died, four days before the end of my appointment at Richmond." - Pastor Arnie Johnson